Finally! Last night Bleech and I headed into the studio to get some things worked out. While he was busy changing his drum heads and checking out his brand spankin' new, super sweet tambourine, I was busy picking a 3" X 1/2" splinter out of my foot. Maybe that's a sign that it's time to clean up the studio floor once again. I would have snapped a picture for you all to see, but I was too busy wrapping a towel around my foot to stop the bleeding. Who says studio work isn't dangerous?
Finally! Last night Bleech and I headed into the studio to get some things worked out. While he was busy changing his drum heads and checking out his brand spankin' new, super sweet tambourine, I was busy picking a 3" X 1/2" splinter out of my foot. Maybe that's a sign that it's time to clean up the studio floor once again. I would have snapped a picture for you all to see, but I was too busy wrapping a towel around my foot to stop the bleeding. Who says studio work isn't dangerous?
Later on after my foot had drained out, we began work on "Strawberry Glue" The guitars/bass tracks had been done about a week or so ago and Bleech was throwin' down his tracks. It took him at least 35 takes to get this right...not because he's not a good was mainly due to the fact that it was hard to get a good headphone mix where the click track could be heard clearly. Simple problem. After we fixed that, he nailed it with in the next couple of takes. Next up was "Pretty Green Leaves". We got some what experimental with the drum beat on this one, breaking it down into a complex, thought out......"thing"....and I'm sure he started to get a little mad when I would stop the recording because he missed an accent or crash. But hey, you want to be at your best right?
After laying down the root beat, he overdubbed his sweet new tambourine (ha) and then an auxiliary beat in the back ground. This was actually really fun to record. I got an old Radio Shack Microphone that I've had since i was 10 or 11 (?) set up in the middle of the live room...about 10 feet in front of the Kit...that then was ran into an MXR guitar distortion pedal and then ran (via 1/4" cable) into the console. The result was a lo-fi, dirty old skool type of sound. Very Pleased.
I'm really excited to see what song we churn out next. Be on the look out for these mixes to be on the Myspace sometime maybe before the fall. Stay in touch.
- Zeke
Please visit my blog at:
I can't wait to hear "Pretty Green Leaves" most of all.
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